Saturday, October 1, 2011

Quick Tip of the Week

Hey, it's been awhile. I'm sorry. But I've been busy. I'll blog more, I promise. And I'm starting here, with a new weekly entry called "Quick Tip of the Week." Every week I'll share some small tidbit that I use that helps to make my life easier. Hopefully it will be something you can use too. And because I only have so many ideas in my head, I would LOVE for you to send me your own quick tips as well.

First Ever Quick Tip of the Week: Cheap and Simple Blind Cord Safety 

Instead of spending any kind of money on blind cord wrappers, trapper, winders, or whatever, I stuck two push pins in the wall next to the window. Wrap the cord around and there you go! The cord is out of reach for little hands, feet, and kitty paws.

I already had a pack of push pins, so this was free for me to do on all the windows in the house, but a pack of push pins will cost you, at most, $5 for 100. (Check the dollar store to save even more.)

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